Star Plus’ sitcom Anupamaa has always managed to grab attention with unexpected twists and turns in its storyline. The never-ending drama between the Shahs and Kapadias In the lead role, Rupali Ganguly plays the role of Anupamaa, and Gaurav Khanna plays the role of her husband, Anuj Kapadia. These days, the track revolves around Anupama, who prepares to leave for America, while Choti’s health constantly deteriorates.
Well, where Anupama was getting a chance to fulfil her dreams, she herself rejected them. In the upcoming episode, we will see that Anu leaves to go abroad with Malti Devi. However, she will abandon Malti at the airport and return to Kapadia, as she was unable to stay away from her family and Choti Anu.
The makers of the shoe shared the new promo where Anu comes back home and she hugges Anuj and says she can forget her dreams but can not stay away from her daughter. Then Malti Devi reached Kapadia’s house, and Anu apologised to her. However, Malti was seen being very angry for breaking her trust, and she slapped her. And she also threatens Anupama that she will ruin her life.
Well, Malti Devi is looking very angry over Anupama, and surely there will be a huge twist in the show.
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