Jodie Foster Reveals How She Shielded Her Sons From Her Stardom

To maintain this sense of normalcy, Foster even went as far as creating an alternate narrative for her sons. She shared that when her oldest son, Charles .

Jodie Foster, the acclaimed actress known for her iconic roles, including “Silence of the Lambs,” recently shared insights into her parenting choices, aiming to give her sons as normal a life as possible despite her celebrity status.

During an appearance on “The View,” Foster disclosed that she intentionally kept her acting career hidden from her now-adult sons during their younger years. The 61-year-old Oscar-winning actress expressed a desire for her children to see her primarily as their mother rather than a famous Hollywood figure.

“I guess I just didn’t want them to know me that way,” Foster explained. “I wanted them to know me as their mom and the person who went away to work and stuff.”

To maintain this sense of normalcy, Foster even went as far as creating an alternate narrative for her sons. She shared that when her oldest son, Charles “Charlie” Bernard Foster, was three years old, she brought him to a film set, equipped with a plastic tool belt. She vividly described the sets as if she were a construction worker, and for a considerable period, Charlie believed his mother worked in construction.

Despite this elaborate ruse, Foster’s sons eventually discovered her true profession. Charlie, now 25, has even followed in his mother’s footsteps, participating in theater throughout his school years.

While Foster’s sons have shown an interest in the entertainment industry, she humorously mentioned that they have “no interest in watching my movies with me.” She revealed that certain films, like 1995’s “Nell,” in which she portrayed a character raised in isolation, are off-limits due to potential teasing.

On a lighter note, Foster hinted that her sons might tune in to watch the new season of “True Detective: Night Country.” However, she quipped that their interest may not necessarily be to support her but because they are genuinely “really into” the show.

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