Om Raut’s Adipurush has turned out to be a big disappointment. Meanwhile, an AI artist has stunned the netizens by recreating Adipurush characters using AI. A man named SK Md Abu Sahid posted a series of images of Adipurush cast getting a transformation using AI tools. He recreated the images of Prabhas as Lord Ram, Kriti Sanon as Maa Sita, Sunny Singh as Lakshman, Devdatta Nage as Hanuman and Saif Ali Khan as Raavan. Sharing the stunning Adipurush AI images, the artist wrote in the caption, “Adipurush in an alternate universe…SWIPE LEFT…”
He made these images using Adobe Photoshop+Midjourney AI.
Fans are in love with AI version of Adipurush. People are praising him for his skills and wish that he had worked on Om Raut’s film instead. A user wrote, “Bhai tune hi kaam kyu nahi kar liya Aadipurush me kam se kam 500₹ to wasool ho jate mere.”
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A comment reads, “Movie se bdhya Visuals tw mujhe yhi lag rhe.”
Someone wrote, “Far much better than the ADIPURUSH.”
A person said, “Raut ko apse discussion karna chahiye tha……ye hain hamare RAM.”
In another post, he worked around the character of Raavan and created different styles.
“Reimagining Saif Ali Khan as Ravan,” he said while sharing the post. Swipe left to see more images.
Abu Sahid has over 28k followers on Instagram. His post is now going viral across social media platforms.
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