Bollywood is famed for its lavish parties and hosting numerous international celebrities. Recently, Shah Rukh Khan played host to David Beckham, drawing almost the entire Bollywood fraternity to the bash. However, filmmaker Farah Khan shared an interesting anecdote during a chat with Bharti Singh and Haarsh Limbachiyaa on their podcast. She recounted a moment when she was entirely unaware of who Ed Sheeran was.
Farah shared that her cousin, employed at a music company, had requested her help in showing Ed around Mumbai before his concerts in India. Unaware of Sheeran’s fame, Farah dismissed the request, assuming Ed Sheeran was just a friend of her cousin. Despite her cousin’s persistence, she brushed it off. It was only when Farah’s aunt inquired about the matter that she turned to Abhishek Bachchan for clarity. Surprised, she asked him, ‘Who is Ed Sheeran?’ to which Abhishek responded, ‘He’s just the number one singer in the world.’
Recalling a comical incident, Farah mentioned how she once yelled a DJ at her party for playing what she thought was funeral music. To her embarrassment, it turned out to be Ed Sheeran’s music. “At the party, I was yelling at the DJ ‘Why are you playing funeral music? He said Ma’am this is Ed Sheeran’s music”.
Ed Sheeran, like David Beckham, was an international guest welcomed by several top Bollywood celebrities, including Farah, who hosted a party attended by numerous leading actors and actresses. Farah shared that the ‘Photograph’ singer had a great time and preferred Bollywood tunes over his own music. She mentioned, ‘He left at 2 am as he had a concert the next day. He said I can stay here till morning but I have to perform tomorrow.’ Additionally, he generously sent her 20 front-row VIP passes for his show, although she didn’t attend.
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