5 Amazing Homemade Face Mask Recipe For Glowing Skin

From treating dullness to acne, pigmentation and wrinkles, here are our top 5 amazing DIY homemade mask recipes for clear and glowing skin-

Face masks are a must have in a skin care routine now-a-days. From facial glow masks to peel off masks many of us chose to spend a lot of our money to buy these expensive masks from the market. But what if we tell you that you can get equally satisfying results without spending money and at the comfort of your home by just using a few ingredients from your kitchen.

From treating dullness to acne, pigmentation and wrinkles, here are our top 5 amazing DIY homemade mask recipes for clear and glowing skin check out-

  1. Green Tea Face Mask For Dull Skin

Green tea mask is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which helps in brightening of skin and reducing inflammation for a glowing and healthy skin. Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes 3 times a week to get good results.

Ingredients- Green tea powder, lemon and honey.

How to make- Mix green tea powder, lemon and honey together to form a paste. If the mixture is too thick, add water to make it lighter.

2. Multani Mitti Face Mask For Acne & Oily Skin

Multani mitti aka fuller earth’s is a highly-known ingredient for treating acnes and oily skin. Fuller’s earth has amazing oil absorbing and skin brightening properties that helps removing dirt from your pores. Multi mitti works best when mixed with rose water.

Ingredients- Multani mitti aka Earth’s fuller, rose water.

How to make- Take a spoon full of multani mitti and rose water. Mix the ingredients together to form a thick paste. Apply the paste of your face and affected areas and leave until it dries and rinse of with water.

3. Egg White Peel Off Face Mask For Blackheads

Egg whites are known for their cleansing and skin-tightening properties. Egg whites are very effective when it comes to blackhead removal as they unclog the pores and helps in cleansing.

Ingredients- Egg, Lemon juice, water and tissue paper

How to make and use- Whisk the egg white properly and add two spoons of lemon juice and spoon of water in it. Apply the mixture on your face. Dip a tissue paper in the same mixture and put it over your face. Wait until it dries. Peel the tissue once it dries and rinse your face.

4. Coffee Face Mask For Pigmentation

For those who are suffering from pigmentation must try the coffee pack. Coffee is known for having exfoliation properties that help lower skin pigmentation and dark spots.

Ingredients- Coffee, coconut oil, sugar.

How to make and use- Mix all the three ingredients together and form a thick paste. Use the thick paste as a scrub wash and massage over you face for 5-10 minutes. Let it stay for about 15-20 minutes and rinse off with water.

5. Banana Face Mask For Wrinkles

Banana contains several vitamins and nutrients that provides skin with moisture to fight off wrinkles and fine lines. Banana also makes collagen helping in making your skin firm.

Ingredients- 1 ripe banana, 1/2 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon yogurt, and a pinch of turmeric.

How to make and use- Peel and mash banana, mix it with 1/2 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon yogurt, and a pinch of turmeric to form a yellow thick paste. Apply evenly on your face and at the corner of your eyes. Let it sit for 10 mins and rinse off with water.

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