5 Effective Home Remedies To Cure & Prevent Cough

Here are some effective natural home remedies you can try to get rid of dry or wet cough.

Talking about flu and cold, having a dry cough or wet throat is usually a very common issue faced by people. A cough is usually accompanied by a flu, fever or cold, however in many cases people can get cough due to smoke and pollution. And in such cases getting rid of the cough might not be so easy. Therefore, today we have bought you some effective natural home remedies you can try to get rid of dry or wet cough, check out-

  1. Steam

One of the most effective ways to open your throat passage is to get a good steam. Dry air can exacerbate cough therefore, using steam is one of the simplest methods to cure your cough as it provides moisture to ease throat congestion. And for steam to be more effective you can add vicks, aloe vera, eucalyptus, lavender, or rosemary to the steam water.

2. Ginger

Another much effective remedy is to drink ginger water. Ginger is known to aid issues like nausea, cold, flu, upset stomach and cough. The scientific community also recognizes ginger as a natural antibiotic. Therefore, ginger tea is effective in treating cough. To make ginger tea boil a few slices of ginger in water for 5-10minutes depending on how strong you like it and then consume the drink.

3. Honey

Just like Ginger, honey is also very useful and effective in treating issues like cough. Honey is one the oldest known antibiotics with anti-bacterial properties. Therefore, consuming honey for a sore throat could be much effective than medicines. You can consume honey with warm water.

4. Saltwater Gargle

Just like steaming, saltwater gargle can also help you cure a sore throat. Saltwater can ease pain and inflammation in your throat. Take ½ tsp of salt and 8 oz of warm water for saltwater gargles.

5. Eucalyptus Oil

Last but not the least is using Eucalyptus oil for cough. Eucalyptus oil is basically an essential oil that can help you get rid of cough and mucus in lungs. You can also use the oil in steam water or apply directly on your chest to get rid of chest congestion.

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