10 Fashion & Styling Tips Every Girl Should Know

To help you improve your style and step up in the fashion game, we've got you some amazing fashion and styling tips that will help you look stylish than ever-

Looking fashionable and chic every day is no easy feat. Between work and family life we women often forget to take care of ourselves. But even though we want to look stylish and chic, we simply often do not get enough time to spare. Well, no need to fret, because we have got you covered. To help you improve your style and step up in the fashion game, we have got you some amazing fashion and styling tips and tricks that will help you look stylish than ever-

  1. Know Your Body Type

Starting off with the most basic tip is to “know your body type”. In order to look pretty one must know their body type according to which they should buy clothes. For example, if you have more of a curvy and chubby body type then one should refrain from wearing bodycon stuff. Experiment with your style and see what suits you the best.

2. Wearing The Right Bra

Another most important thing that we women should emphasize on is our innerwear and lingerie. Wearing the right type of bra often gives you a complete transformation and helps you fit and your favorite clothes. For example, lean women should prefer wearing padded lingerie while if you think you are a plus size then you should rather avoid padded innerwear. Also wearing tank and strapless innerwear in shoulder less clothes is a must!

3. Must Haves In Wardrobe

After sorting out your size and right type of innerwear you should focus on the must haves in your wardrobe. For example, trench coats, leather jackets, denim jackets, scarves and stoles are some of the classic wear you must have.

4. Right Type Of Shoes & Accessories

After finding the right outfit you must pair your clothing with the right type of accessories and shoes to complete your look. Remember do not “overdo” a minimalist style is something we all love. For example- pairing your mini dress and coat with a necklace and boots is a classic.

5. Makeup

After accessorizing your look, the last we need to complete our look is “makeup”. Go for neutral nude shades if you are planning for a breakfast date or a regular lunch day. However, you may want to wear smoky makeup for a party night. Wearing the right makeup will accentuate your overall outfit.

6. Color Combination

Another thing you must keep in mind while choosing your outfits is the “color combination”. Color combinations like white and black are all time classics, but don’t be afraid to go wild with neon’s, as said experiment more with your looks and know what suits you the best.

7. Organize Your Wardrobe Often

Another thing that women complain about is that they have “nothing” to wear when they want to go out. It’s basically because you don’t often organize your wardrobe and your sizes change during the time making your favorites either too lose or just too tight. To avoid such situations, you must organize your wardrobe, discard stuff that no longer fits, alter stuff that’s lose.

8. Skin Tone

While choosing your outfits you must make sure that the color suits your skin. Women often face issues like lacking confidence in wearing neon’s due to the skin shades. Therefore, you must choose your outfit keeping in mind your skin tone so that it boosts your confidence.

9. Step Out Of Comfort Zone

Does strapless makes you uncomfortable? Or do you love your pajamas only? Well, that’s the issue with many of us. Staying in our comfort zone often refrains us from looking chic and fashionable. So, to look that way you must step out of your comfort zone.

10. Confidence

Many of us have often felt that even after looking perfect we lack the confidence to wear some outfits in public. It could be because of lack of comfort in that dress or simply because you lack confidence. Like said confidence is the best thing a woman could wear. Even if you do not wear anything extravagant, simply looking confident will do it for you.

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