Thinking about how to strip your body hair in the middle of a Lockdown? We can not go out to the beauty parlor not only for basic but major things due to the ongoing pandemic, which leaves us in a difficult situation. It may be not that difficult because not everyone bothers about hair growth but many prefer to stay groomed and in a clean look.
If you have previously left these self-care tasks to be done by the parlour, now you have to follow methods of doing so at home, on your own. It’s not a difficult job to remove hair at home; in fact, there are several simple methods you can try.
So you can either use natural ingredients to make your own wax that will exfoliate your skin and remove all hair. Or you can turn to smart gadgets that do the job efficiently and quickly. While not opting for any natural or home remedy I have few hacks which will help you if you go for razor or trimmer.
Now let us take a closer look at several methods to remove hair:
Soft Wax:
It is an easy method and the use of granulated sugar, lemon, and honey can be easily prepared. Melt 1 cup of sugar in a pot over medium heat, then add 1 cup of lemon juice and 1/4 cup of honey to it once it thickens. Make the wax a consistent blend.
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If it’s too thick, then you should add water and mix it well. You can use more prominent cloth or wax strips that use the wax. It could be used for all types of skin. Before waxing make sure to apply talcum powder on to your legs.
Store Brought Wax
You can buy wax and wax strips online and use that if you don’t think you can manage the above process. All you need to do is heat the wax and spread it on the skin in small patch or sections, as they do in the parlor. The temperature should be mild.
It is the easiest hair removal method but slightly different. Wash thoroughly your legs and instead of applying a soap or shaving cream you can apply conditioner. Soap is harsh on skin which may lead to dark skin but with conditioner, you will get cleaner finishing. Move the shaving blade in the opposite direction on to your hair. Wash your legs again and moisturize them. Do it slowly rather than rush through it to avoid cuts.
Depilatory Cream
It is very easy to find on the markets and is an efficient hair removal tool. All you need to do is apply the cream over your legs and within 5 minutes this will weaken the hair bonds. Use a towel to clean it, or rinse it with water. For silky smooth skin apply moisturizer.
Depilatory cream contains chemicals that weaken your hair and allow it to easily come off without causing any pain. Make sure you don’t leave the cream more than 4-5 minutes on your skin or it may cause rashes or darken the skin.
NOTE: Do not wash your legs or hands with soap or body wash just after the process. You can just wipe it off with wet wipes or wash simply with water.
Wax Strips
Another simple way is to buy readymade strips of wax where its two sheets wax together. It will save you the trouble of separating heating wax and adding it to your body. You need to heat up the wax gently, which you can do by rubbing your palms with the pad. Then separate the sheets, and use them on your legs. Don’t forget to first apply the talcum powder to your skin.
Thing To Be Kept In Mind While Doing Any Of Above Method :
- Before applying anything on your hands or legs, always keep your skin clean and you may exfoliate it for better results.
Ensure that the wax is applied in the direction of hair growth while waxing, and take off in the opposite direction.
Take care when using something on your skin to avoid burns by using wax or cuts when shaving.
Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and keep reading the space for more skincare and beauty hacks