Morgan Spurlock, Oscar Nominated ‘Super Size Me’ Director Passes Away At 53

Morgan Spurlock, known for his Oscar nominated documentary 'Super Size Me', passed away at the age of 53.

Morgan Spurlock, a popular documentary filmmaker, screenwriter and television producer passed away at the age of 53 on 23rd May, Thursday. Spurlock is known for his documentary ‘Super Size Me’ in which he filmed himself for 30 days eating McDonald’s, and then his documentary was nominated at Oscar in 2004. Confirming his death, Spurlock’s family cited the reason for his death as “Cancer Complications”.

Craig Spurlock, Morgan’s brother, expressed his grief saying, “It was a sad day, as we said goodbye to my brother Morgan. Morgan gave so much through his art, ideas and generosity. Today the world has lost a true creative genius and a special man. I am so proud to have worked together with him.” 

Morgan was indeed a creative mind. He shot the changes in his body by consuming only McD food, and then he proved that he gained 25 pounds of weight and had to suffer from depression and liver dysfunction. Apart from his intellectual creative work, he produced nearly 70 documentary films in his production ‘Warrior Poets’. He handled very controversial topics through his creative work, like ‘Where In the World Is Osama Bin Laden’, ’30 Days’, ‘The Greatest Movie Ever Sold’, ‘Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!’. He also produced and hosted many TV shows, like ‘7 Deadly Sins’, ‘I Bet You Will’, ‘Morgan Spurlock-Inside Man’ and many others. 

Spurlock is survived by a large family, including his two children, Laken and Kallen; his mother, Phyllis Spurlock; father, Ben and brother Craig etc.

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