Malayalam Actor Vijayakumar Accused Of Trespassing And Intimidating His Daughter And Ex-Wife

Daughter Arthana Binu Shares Disturbing Video of the Incident and Reveals History of Threats

Renowned Malayalam actor Vijayakumar has been accused of trespassing a private property where his daughter and ex-wife reside, along with alleged attempts to threaten and intimidate them, according to actress Arthana Binu, his daughter. Arthana even shared a video capturing a man jumping over the gate and running away, revealing the distressing encounter. This incident is not the first of its kind, as Vijayakumar had previously threatened Arthana and instructed her to quit acting while also verbally abusing her maternal grandmother.

In the Instagram video shared by Arthana, she explains, “The person in the video is my biological father, Vijayakumar, who is also a Malayalam film actor. This video shows him successfully trespassing our residence by jumping over the wall, despite the existence of a protection order issued ten years ago in favor of me, my mom, and my sister.”

Arthana goes on to describe their living situation after her parents’ divorce, stating that she, her mother, and younger sister have been residing with her maternal grandmother, who is over 85 years old. She continues, “Today, he barged into our compound and, since the door was locked, he was threatening us through the open window. I overheard him threatening my sister and grandmother with harm.”

Adding further details, Arthana writes, “He incessantly banged on the window, yelling accusations. He accused my grandmother of exploiting me for financial gain. He also disparaged the team working on my Malayalam movie, for which I recently completed shooting.”

Arthana reveals the extent of her father’s interference in her acting career, saying, “Whenever I appear in a Malayalam movie, he files legal cases to prevent me from acting. Even during my role in ‘Shylock,’ he initiated legal action, and to ensure the movie’s release, I had to sign an official legal document stating that I acted in the movie willingly.”

The actress has filed multiple cases against her father due to his disruptive behavior and threats directed towards her and her family.

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