A Quiet Place Day One: Joseph Quinn Applies ‘Stranger Things’ Experience to His Latest Film

The Stranger Things Actor Discusses Transition from Hawkins to the Silent Horror of 'A Quiet Place'

Joseph Quinn, known for his breakout role as Eddie Munson in Netflix’s hit series Stranger Things, is now bringing his talents to one of the highly anticipated films, A Quiet Place: Day One, which hits the silver screen today. The film stars Quinn as Eric along with Lupita Nyong’o as Sam.

In an exclusive interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Quinn shared insights on how his experiences in the supernatural world of Hawkins have influenced his performance in the silent, terror-filled landscape of A Quiet Place: Day One.

Quinn’s portrayal of Eddie Munson in the fourth season of Stranger Things earned him widespread acclaim. Reflecting on his time on the show, Quinn emphasised the lessons he learned about building suspense and working on complex characters. “You learn how to run from invisible things. I guess I applied that skill set that I learned there, here.” Quinn said about working on the Netflix show.

While discussing the preparation for his role in A Quiet Place prequel, Joseph Quinn said, “It was about listening to what Lupita (co-star) was doing or my scene partner was doing in front of me and we all built it together, slowly but surely.”

A Quiet Place: Day One, written and directed by  Michael Sarnoski, is based on John Krasinski’s story. This prequel spin-off to the first film is the third instalment in the A Quiet Place film series, known for its unique approach to horror, relying heavily on silence to create an intense atmosphere.

Quinn’s transition from the plot based on the 1980s nostalgia of Stranger Things to the stark, soundless horror of A Quiet Place prequel has been seamless. His new role is expected to add depth to the franchise, with his character facing the challenges of survival in this perilous environment.

Joseph Quinn’s journey from the eerie town of Hawkins to the silent terror of A Quiet Place: Day One (2024) underscores his versatility and dedication as an actor.

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