Sonia Gandhi Slams The Ruling Party In An Opinion Piece

Sonia Gandhi in her piece has said that Democracy is being hollowed out.

President of the Congress Sonia Gandhi slams the ruling party in an Opinion piece printed by Hindustan Times. 

In a multi level attack , Sonia Gandhi slammed the government peel by peel.

She said, “That the economy is in deep crisis is clear. But what is less appreciated is that all the pillars of a democratic system of governance are under assault.”

Also speaking on how dissent is now counted as terrorism. She wrote, “The fundamental right to freedom of expression has been systematically suspended through suppression and intimidation. Dissent is deliberately stifled as “terrorism” or branded as an “anti-national activity”. Many institutions that are meant to uphold the rights of citizens and society at large have been co-opted or subverted.”

Congress’s Sonia Gandhi said “the Indian State now diverts attention from real problems of the people by pronouncing bogus threats to “national security” everywhere.”

She spoke about how certain threats are real and need to be dealt with as a first priority.

Sonia Gandhi added, “but the Narendra Modi government and the ruling BJP conjure up sinister conspiracies behind every political protest, indeed behind any and everything they see as opposition to them.”

CAA and NRC Protests

She also slammed the way the Narendra Modi led government handled the Anti CAA and NRC protests.

According to her the most cynical” attempt was to label anti-BJP protests as anti-India conspiracies was seen in the Modi government’s response to the protests against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act and the proposed National Register of Citizens (NRC).

“This movement received widespread support from civil society activists and organisations across the political spectrum who also opposed the divisive CAA-NRC. But the Modi government refused to acknowledge this movement. Instead, it chose to vilify it and made it a divisive issue in the Delhi elections,” 

 Bhartiya Janta Party leaders used abusive and harmful tactics to quiet what was like Gandhi’s satyagraha.

Targeting PM Modi, Sonia Gandhi said, “Citizens do not cease to be citizens when the party they voted for loses an election. The Prime Minister repeatedly claims to represent 130 crore Indians. But his government and the ruling party are treating political opponents, dissenters, and those who did not vote for the ruling party as second-class citizens without democratic rights.”

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“This nation will thrive only when democracy as envisioned by our Constitution and the Independence movement is followed in its letter and spirit,” with this Sonia Gandhi concluded her piece

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