International Yoga Day: List of Hollywood Actresses Who Embrak Yoga for Fitness

From Jennifer Aniston to Lady Gaga, Celebrities Integrate Yoga into Their Fitness Regimes for Physical and Mental Well-being

In 2014, 21st June was declared International Yoga Day by the United Nations General Assembly. On this occasion, it is fascinating to see how Hollywood’s renowned artists incorporate yoga into their lives, emphasizing the ancient practice’s benefits for physical and mental well-being.

Here are some of the Hollywood actresses who integrate yoga into their fitness regime:

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston, known for her iconic role in Friends (1994-2004), credits yoga for her toned physique and serene mindset. She regularly practices with her instructor Mandy Ingber, who introduced her to yoga. “Yoga kind of helps you prepare for everything,” Aniston said in an interview, highlighting how the practice helps her maintain flexibility and strength​.

Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus, whose workout routine includes Ashtanga yoga has been following the ancient practice for years. In one of her interviews, she mentioned how this yoga pose can be “uninspiring” as her “teacher will say, ‘Oh, don’t worry that’s just going to take you 10 years [to get], and you’re like ‘Wait, what?”

Britney Spears Pop singer, Britney Spears is one of those people who practice yoga for stress busting. Before the global coronavirus pandemic, Spears attended yoga classes around four times a week in 2020. The singer even posted on her Instagram, making it her mission to get educated about the ancient workout regime.

Jennifer LopezHustlers (2019) star, Jennifer Lopez comes in the list of the celebrities who wouldn’t miss to do yoga during her daily workout routine. The actress often posts her workout videos on her official Instagram handle. In one of her posts, Lopez shared a caption, “Daily dose of wellness…Happy Sunday everyone.”

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga has openly discussed her reliance on yoga to manage chronic pain and stress. The pop superstar often shares snippets of her yoga sessions on social media, inspiring her followers to explore the practice. The actress practices Bikram Yoga, by which she cured her eating disorder. As these celebrities share their experiences, they inspire millions worldwide to consider yoga as a viable path to fitness and mental peace. The ancient practice has become a mainstream phenomenon, celebrated for its comprehensive approach to health.