Pawri Ho Rahi Hai Fame Talks About Being An Army Officer’s Daughter

Pawri Ho Rahi Hai fame Dananeer Mobeer talks about her life as an army brat.

The internet is currently going crazy after the viral clip ‘Pawri Ho Rahi Hai’. It is a short clip posted by a 19-year-old social media influencer. Her name is Dananeer Mobeen and she hails from Pakistan. After becoming a trend, her following has increased manifolds and she is about to reach 1 million followers on Instagram.

By going through her social media profile, one could easily guess that she is a fun-loving girl who loves to eat, sing and paint.

But did you know that she hails from an Army background? Well, the Pakistani influencer takes pride in being an Army brat and the life that comes with it.

About a year ago, she promoted a brand on her social media and talked about her life. In the caption, she wrote, “Army wives and kids know how to turn a rusty house into a home. You place us anywhere in the world and we’ll give you a home out of a place wearing deserted look. We have seen more homes than you can imagine. Every city since we are born. Every deputation. Every course. We make a home. If we get posted to far-flung areas or to posh localities whose allurements attract all and sundry, you will find us equally passionate in our efforts to seed life. And we have made a home in every single city. We can replace Bear Grills on his show because we know the art of survival and socialise which is why we are the easiest people to befriend and establish relations with.
Two years in this city and some time there. ‘But I just made new friends and I finally feel at home’. Onto another city, onto another home.
Special emphasis on how Army wives are probably the most flexible, adaptive to change readily and easy going women I’ve encountered in my life.
Imagine having to shift your entire existence and emotional attachments with your household every 2-3 years!
So, if I got the chance at a different life, I’d always choose the army life!
From, an army brat!”

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