Sneh Binny: In Indian Sports, We Should Support Diverse Talents Other Than Cricket!

Apart from being a successful entrepreneur, Sneh Binny decided to expand his horizon and took his interest in sports a step ahead by buying a team in the Tennis Premier League. He co-owns the team, Delhi Binny’s Brigade, with actor-filmmaker Divya Khosla Kumar.    

“After founding my Diamond Jewellery and lifestyle brand Binny’s World and establishing Binny’s Jewels, the retail Jewellery brand in Dubai, I wanted to do something different. And this thought made me explore the field of sports. The Tennis Premier League taught me that sports in India need to be boosted to a level where we support talent in various sporting activities other than cricket. Cricket already has a lot of support in our country and we know that. So, tennis is one sport that I feel needs attention and also has great potential. I see the passion that the current generation has for sports and thought of giving them a platform,” he says.

His effort and wishes seem to have been granted and Delhi Binny’s Brigade has been doing well. Sneh is happy with the journey so far and has more plans going ahead.

We ask him about the qualities that he thinks a successful entrepreneur should possess and he adds, “I think it includes self-discipline, risk-taking ability, creative thinking, and other two important factors are passion and business ethics.”

Binny has been hobnobbing with celebs from an early age given his kind of work. “Network and relationships with celebrities made me understand different personalities, especially those who are in the limelight better, and also helped in growing my work and script a better career. It also taught me to keep my feet to the ground at all times and not fly high or else you end up falling into a pit,” he says.

Everyone wants to associate with Bollywood in one way or the other. “Yes, that’s a reality. When you talk about entertainment, Bollywood comes first.  I won’t say that is a bad thing but not easy to achieve. I’ve learnt a lot of other things from my closeness with celebrities, which created a positive influence in my life. I have learned that humbleness is a key from Shraddha Kapoor, time management from Akshay Kumar, hard work and keeping your eyes set on the goal from Mrunal Jain and so on,” he adds

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