National Recruitment Agency to be set up for recruitment to non-gazetted posts

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman while presenting the Budget in Parliament on Saturday said that major reforms will be introduced for recruitment to non-gazetted posts in government and Public Sector Banks (PSBs).

Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Saturday announced that a recruitment agency will be set up for all computer-based examinations for the recruitment in government and public sector banks.

“ At present candidates have to appear for multiple examinations conducted by multiple agencies at different points of time. for similar posts. This places enormous burden on time,effort and cost for young people .To mitigate the hardship so faced, it is proposed to set up a national recruitment agency as an independent, professional specialised organisation for conduct of computer based online common eligibility test for recruitment on all non gazetted posts,” the finance minister said.

“A test centre particularly in every district specially in the aspirational districts will be set up,” she added

It is proposed to evolve a robust mechanism for appointment including direct recruitment to tribunals and specialised bodies to attract best talents and professional experts. There is also a strong argument for ensuring the contracts are honoured. India has a strong framework related to contract act, she added.

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