Indian Army Fighting COVID -19 Through Yoga And Pranayam

Yoga guru Baba Ramdev explained how one can deal with Coronavirus disease. He said that one should perform Anulom Vilom Pranayama to deal with the disease.

Indian Army has instituted measures to quarantine the troops returning from leave and temporary duties. After the medical screening, the troops are being quarantined for a period of 14 days. Troops are kept in earmarked barracks having adequate hygiene and sanitation facilities, maintaining social distancing and undergoing daily medical checkups.

These individuals are being kept physically and mentally fit through Yoga, Pranayam, and Meditation. The troops are being sensitized about social distancing, proper usage of masks, washing of hands, sanitization of barracks and avoiding sharing of any items. To avoid crowding in Dining halls, meals are being served at staggered timings. 

While the aim of reinforcing the seriousness with regard to preventive measures against COVID-19 is being achieved, Army personnel are ensuring their own safety through a series of precautions as laid down in the protocol.

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