This Is How Ranju Ki Betiyaan Actors Are Keeping Their Immunity In Check

While it has been over a year since COVID-19 hampered everything around us, viewers continue to tune in to television round the clock for daily news and entertainment. With a distinct storyline, Ranju Ki Betiyaan has been one show that continues to engage and entertain audience daily. The show is also one of the top performing shows on Dangal TV with Reena Kapoor, Ayub Khan and Deepshika Nagpal in lead roles. While they continue to shoot, they mention that they haven’t let their guard down and continue to mask up to ensure that the virus is at bay.

Urging their fans to stay strong and resilient, Reena Kapoor, Ayub Khan and Roopal Tyagi share their personal routine which helps them stay physically strong and also keeps their immunity in check.

Talking about the safety measures and immunity, Ayub Khan aka Guddu Mishra says, “I try to keep myself safe by following all medical guidelines to the best of my ability. I also identify and correct any mistakes that may happen unintentionally. I take a daily dose of vital medical supplements, some allopathic as prescribed by my doctor and some natural products like fruits that are rich in Vitamin C. Like all my co-actors, I try to stay active as much as possible.”

Roopal Tyagi too has been going the extra mile to ensure that her immunity levels are high. In addition to the food, fitness plays an important part for her. She says, “I’m taking extra care of myself. I make sure I eat fresh food only and have Chyawanprash every day. I generally follow an Ayurvedic diet which is seasonal. Since we are outdoors, it is difficult to follow it regularly. I also believe keeping oneself fit is easy, use all your muscles! I do yoga every day as that’s the best way to stay fit. Since we have access to a pool, I try to swim about 100 laps on most days.”

For Reena Kapoor, aka Ranju, Vitamin C is of utmost importance. She believes that each ones’ safety is in their own hands. “I believe we all have to be very cautious especially if we step out for work. On sets, the only time I remove my mask is while shooting, eating and when I am back in my room. I am having my zinc supplements and Vitamin-C supplements that my doctor has advised me to have every day without fail. Besides this, I am having homoeopathic medicines to keep my immunity high.”

Ranju Ki Betiyaan is a heart touching story of a single mother Ranju and her struggles of raising 4 daughters in a patriarchal society. It delves into the various societal issues faced by single mothers, and will witness Ranju empowering herself to raise her four daughters single-handedly to help them achieve their dreams.

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