Did You Know BBC Attempted To Buy Telecast Rights Of Ramayan

Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan created history by becoming number one show on Indian Television. Even though it’s 3 and a half decades old, still it created the same magic as it was first aired back in 1987. Recently in an interview with a news portal, Ramanand Sagar’s son Prem Sagar made some shocking revelations about how BBC tried to break the image of Shri Ram as divine and how international media tried damaging their image, he said, “This is my personal experience and opinion. WaPo had sent two journalists to interview me back in the 90s. They were dripping honey during our interactions. But when they went back, they wrote trash. Same was the case with the BBC. They had decided to buy telecast rights to the Ramayan for the Asian population. But they wanted Arun Govil dressed and paraded as Shri Ram in full costume through the BBC studios so they could film it. Papaji and I realised it was a calculated attempt to break the image of Shri Ram as divine, worshipped in every grain of soil in India. We refused their bait. There was a major battle of telephones being exchanged between London and Birmingham and finally they didn’t sign the contract.” Ramayan was the first show to re telecast after the lockdown was announced later other channels too followed them and started running their old show.

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