Anupama Written Update 2nd July 2022: Rakhi Instigates Barkha

Check out Anupama's written update for 2nd July 2022.

Anupama Written Update 2nd July 2022: Anupama’s latest episode begins with Rakhi instigating Barkha. She talks about Anupama owning Kapadia Empire. Rakhi says it is weird instead of Barkha, Anupama owns everything. Barkha says it doesn’t matter. Rakhi tells Barkha about the Shah family. She reveals to Barkha about Shah’s history. Barkha tries to avoid Rakhi. Rakhi tells Barkha about Malvika and Vanraj’s issue too. She adds Anupama is Kapadia now thus she wanted to tell her everything about her past.

Shah And Kapadia Family Plays A Game

Anupama comes and asks what is wrong and what if she is trying to balance her relationship. Anupama says the relationship is important for her and adds no family can break. Later, Samar explains the game. According to the game, Kinjal and Partiosh will round the wheel, whose number matches will deal with the upcoming situation related to the baby. The game starts with at whom the baby will pee the most. Dolly wins the first round. Rakhi gets a tag baby will cry mostly in her arms. Rakhi and Leela argue.

Anupama handles the situation and says it means the baby will crave for Rakhi’s arm thus he/she will cry. The game continues. Anupama wins the game that baby will love her the most. Kinjal says Rakhi is a good mother but being a business woman she didn’t give her the love she craved for. She adds Anupama filled the gap. Kinjal calls her best and asks Anupama to become her upcoming baby ‘godmother’. She adds she wants her baby to have values like her.

Rakhi And Barkha Joins Hands

Anupama makes Kinjal understand that Rakhi was away from her to make her future bright. She praises Rakhi for giving Kinjal good values. Rakhi and others get emotional. Rakhi thinks Anupama’s cheesy talk turned her emotional. She adds Anupama can’t fool her. Barkha taunts Rakhi over Kinjal giving respect to Anupama. Rakhi asks Barkha to look at Sara too; she is also getting closer to Anupama. She asks Barkha to join hands with her. Barkha sides Rakhi. Anupama spots Barkha and Rakhi together. Anuj and Anupama gear up for a dance. 

Anupama Upcoming Episode

Anupama and Anuj dance on Bhabhi Tera Devar Dewana song. Adhik takes Pakhi with him. Later, Vanraj enters beating Adhik. Anuj lashes at Vanraj and asks the reason.

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ALSO READ: Anupama Written Update 1st July 2022: Kinjal’s Baby Shower

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