Kanye West Admits He HARASSED Kim Kardashian, Promises To ‘Work On His Communication’

The backtrack comes a day after he shared screenshots from Kim where she pleaded with him to stop putting her current beau Pete in danger.

Kanye West has recently admitted that his recent behavior towards his estranged wife Kim Kardashian came off as him ‘harassing’ the reality star. In an Instagram post, the rapper pledged to work on his communication after he posted a series of screenshots that contained threats directed at Kim’s new beau Pete Davidson. “I know sharing screenshots was jarring and came off as harassing Kim. I take accountability,” the rapper stated in a lengthy post.

Kanye also sparked concern when he posted an image of a truck full of roses arriving at Kim’s house in LA, which many divorce experts on social media claimed was a sign of ‘post-separation abuse.’ Donda singer wrote in his Instagram post, “I’ve learned that using all caps makes people feel like I’m screaming at them. I’m working on my communication.” “I can benefit from a team of creative professionals, organizers, mobilizers, and community leaders. Thank everybody for supporting me,” he added.

While admitting that he has harassed Kim, Kanye noted, “I know sharing screenshots was jarring and came off as harassing Kim. I take accountability. I’m still learning in real-time. I don’t have all the answers. To be a good leader is to be a good listener.” However, the backtrack comes a day after he shared screenshots from Kim where she pleaded with him to stop putting her current beau Pete in danger.

ALSO READ Kanye West Shared Kim Kardashian Text As She Requests Him To Stop Putting Pete Davidson In Danger

Kanye West also posted a series of screenshots of texts from Kim saying he was making things uncomfortable for the SNL star. In the texts, Kardashian said, West was “creating a dangerous and scary environment and someone will hurt Pete and this will be all your fault,” while adding, “There are dangerous people out there and this is scary and it doesn’t have to be.”

The Can’t Tell Me Nothing rapper replied to his estranged wife through text, “I will always do everything to protect you and our family forever. And I listened to you and told everyone to make sure nothing physical happens to Skete.” Meanwhile, in a subsequent post, Kardashian asked the Heartless singer why he couldn’t keep any of their conversations private, to which he responded, ‘Cause I got a text from my favorite person in the world.’

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