Rebecca Black Opened Up About Online Bullying And Real-Life Ostracism She Faced

Rebecca Black has recently confirmed that she is part of the LGBTQ community, but the YouTube star still feels pressurized to describe what that entails.

“In our society and in the LGBTQ community as well, it isn’t maybe as validated, the idea of being able to be fluid and not have a single preference [of gender to date],” the “Friday” singer Rebecca Black stated in an interview with the Teen Vogue. “I’m not trying to say I do or don’t have a preference. I do think there is this pressure; it’s something I felt for a long time.”

Blak even celebrated her first Pride month, and candidly noted that she had not ‘always been’ herself.

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On the “Dating Straight” podcast in April, Black, 23, shared for the first time that she was in a relationship with another woman. She said the word queer “feels really nice” at the time, but she feels “a little more on the gay side than others” at other days.

Black told the magazine that people have asked her about it ever since she opened up about her sexuality.

“I’ve had a lot of people in my life tell me, ‘that doesn’t sound like a real thing,’ and it is,” she said. “For me, in my own conversation with myself, it wasn’t that hard to accept that I could love a man just as much as a woman or any person, regardless of their gender. I can look at my life and have experience of both. I don’t question my own [feelings], but it is a difficult conversation at times.”

Black expressed that she realized during her journey of self-discovery that it may feel to others that she is “constantly reinventing” herself.

“There’s always been a thread I’ve been able to hold onto, but that doesn’t mean along the way I’ve always been myself,” she said. “I lost touch with that for a while and I’ve gotten back in touch with it over time — that sureness. I’ve really spent the last five years trying to get that sense of self back.”

When she heard about ARK Music Factory which a music label that customers could pay to compose an album, record it, and put together a music video, she was in middle school.

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