Little Things Season 4 Review: It’s Inane & Silly

Dhruv and Kavya's journey comes to an end with the finale of Little Things. Read the review of Little Things Season 4 before you begin your binging.

Four words come to the mind of any viewer who has watched the previous seasons of Little Things. ‘Simple’ and ‘sweet’ are common ones. Add to it ‘inane’ and ‘silly’. Season 4 is symptomatic of all four words. 

Kavya Kulkarni (Mithila Palkar), at times called ‘Kulkarni’, and Dhruv Vats (Dhruv Sehgal) have been a couple for so long (six years, says one dialogue) that you forget they are not yet married. Coasting along eight episodes until Kavya has a ring on her finger, four writers and two directors (Ruchir Arun, Pranjal Dua) stretch even that moment into an entire episode. 

What transpires in eight episodes could have been said in two. But hey, a couple of episodes must be devoted to give Kerala Tourism a boost. So the tea estates of Munnar, St Thomas’ cathedral, giggling in the confession box, cycling in Fort Cochin, a book club with stories from humans, not books, a boat ride in the lake and little jokes about Christy the tourist guide, lay out the picturesque and green coastal state of Kerala. Kavya and Dhruv aren’t going anywhere, nor is their relationship taking any side tracks. Sit back, force your eyelids to stay open and watch as Kavya explores Cochin on her 30th birthday while Dhruv’s at a conference. 

Flashbacks to his stint in Finland and silly tiffs over the phone fill up some more screen time. Granted that raised tempers, dramatic break-ups, explicit making up, and salacious infidelity that mark most other couple stories, are refreshingly absent. This one’s so squeaky clean, your kids could watch it. But it’s so bland, even the two sets of parents who come to stay with them, are as sweet as shrikhand, uncomplicated and unquestioning. In short, eight episodes go nowhere.

Let’s look at Episode 6 as an example. It’s titled ‘Got Your Back’. Coz Kavya’s back is acting up, she’s not the stay-at-home, papad-making type, and Dhruv who wants to be the cool new boss in his new job, is ultimately there for her. But they quibble over, ‘To go in for surgery or not?’ and she comes up with giggly lines like, ‘You have an issue with Ishu?’

That’s it. That’s an entire episode.

But it’s got eye-pleasing cinematography and pleasant music which go with the general feel of the series.

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Sprinkled with profundity like Dhruv explaining, ‘Marriage is an upgrade, like going from economy to business class,’ and Kavya explaining, ‘I want to take a vacation from myself’ when she steals a candle from the cathedral, you plod through eight episodes until, thank God, Kavya finally gets that ring on her finger. Of course, the episode’s called ‘Full Circle’. We’re so clever. 

It is uncomplicated watching because you could even skip an episode or two and not miss anything.  Kavya and Dhruv look so much like a well-settled couple that’s resolved all its relationship issues and accepted each other without any further murmur that an engagement almost seems unnecessary. 

Watch it only if you’re hooked on Little Things and invested in the lives of Kavya and Dhruv.   

Little Things Season 4 Trailer:

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Inane Little Things Little Things Season 4 Review: It's Inane & Silly