Hrithik Roshan’s Sister In Law’s Staff Member Tests Positive For COVID-19

On Tuesday, Farah Khan, sister of ex-wife Susanne Khan, revealed that one of her staff members was tested positive for the novel coronavirus. She said the staff are staying in-house, and so from now on all members of her family will be home quarantine. Read more below.

On Tuesday, Farah Khan, sister of ex-wife Susanne Khan, revealed that one of her staff members was tested positive for the novel coronavirus. She said the staff are staying in-house, and so from now on all members of her family will be home quarantine.

She tweeted,“Covid news spreads faster than the virus. An in-house staff of mine tested positive today and so am moving him to a facility. Have all tested all at home today as well and are going to be quarantined. Be safe yet strong. This too shall pass.”

Celebrities have given Farah Khan best wishes, who is also a jewelry designer. Since the lockout, Farah’s sister Sussanne has now temporarily shifted to Hrithik. Hrithik recently thanked Susanne for moving in with him in a heart-warming post on Instagram so they’ll be safe for their kids during the lockdown.  

He wrote “This is a picture of dear Sussanne (my ex wife), who has graciously volunteered to temporarily move out of her home so that our children are not disconnected indefinitely from either one of us. Thank you Sussanne for being so supportive and understanding in our journey of co-parenting. Our children will tell the story we create for them.”

WATCH: CONFIRMED: Hrithik Roshan And Sussanne Khan Are Living Together Again

Kanika Kapoor became the first celebrity in Bollywood to test positive for the Lucknow coronavirus. Producer Karim Morani and his daughters Shaza and Zoa have also tested positive in Mumbai since she recovered. Shaza and Zoa were both released from the hospital following testing negative.

WATCH: After Kanika Kapoor, Another B’wood Celebrity Tests Positive For COVID-19

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