Mariah Spills On Being Drugged And Alone At 2001 Terrorist Attacks

Best known as a legendary and globally prominent Hollywood pop star and entertainer, singer Mariah Carey spills on being drugged and alone at 2001 terrorist attacks.

Mariah Carey has been a part of the entertainment industry from past three decades now. The Grammy award winning pop star and singer has given us many hit songs over the years along with innumerous lovable moments and the constant Mariah – isms. In her recently published memoir titled The Meaning Of Mariah Carey (2020), the legendary Hollywood pop star Mariah spills on being drugged and alone at 2001 terrorist attacks.

Revealing several unheard and untold stories from her trauma filled childhood covering her entire career as well, in her recent best-selling memoir, Hollywood pop star Mariah spills on being drugged and alone at 2001 terrorist attacks.

Opening up about many incidents and much more, Hollywood pop star Mariah spills on being drugged and alone at 2001 terrorist attacks.

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Whilst creating her own memoir, at one certain point she also started realizing that probably there was a moment in her life which gave her a bitter reality check of all that glitters is not gold idiom becoming true in her career as well.

The incident mentioned in the memoir dates back itself to summer 2001, at that time Mariah’s label was not working well and also was in a bit of panic since as her single titled “Loverboy” couldn’t really reach the top number 1 position on Billboard Hot 100 charts and it ended up debuting at number 2. This song was from the soundtrack of her movie Glitter which was a Hollywood box office dud since it couldn’t really perform well at theatres.

Mariah was being over worked by her then label to the point where she used to end up getting only two hours of sleep in a six day time span. Finally her family came in looking for her and started pressurizing and pestering her to get back to work so that she could still continue to earn and give them her money, Mariah’s patience snapped and she ended up shouting at all of them and also called the police.

Carey’s brother Morgan tricked Mariah into going to LA so that she could relax at a spa and get back on her feet but in reality she didn’t have even the slightest idea that she was being taken into a “hard core detox and rehab center” wherein she also recalled about being given those “giant horse pills the color of Pepto-Bismol” which made her entire mind very hazy and also made her more “sluggish, puffy and compliant”.

She told, “I was in a fog much of the time”. The she also remembered about that one morning of the world famous 9/11 terrorist attacks in L.A., when the attendant entered her room and also called her into common room of the facility which was also filled with other patients who were all hooked to the TV watching the Twin Towers go down in smoke.

On this point, she said, “The effects of the drugs I’d been kept on were no match for the shock I was experiencing. I was stone-cold alert as I watched my majestic skyline disintegrate. My home city was burning and collapsing, and I was thousands of miles away, locked inside a dismal detox — drugged, devastated, and alone”.

The 9/11 attacks day was a really traumatic and totally difficult day for Mariah since she also got released from the rehab center the same day and she failed in realizing the fact that 11th September 2001 was also the day her film Glitter’s original sound track was slated to be released and the movie was hitting the theatres ten days later.

Recalling this day Mariah stated, “The box-office sales for Glitter were dismal, in large part because the country was still reeling from the 9/11 attacks. The tragedy was still fresh, and no one was ready for the lightweight distraction that was Glitter”. She also confessed about how the film “Was not made for serious cinemagoers and art-gallery hoppers; it was an imperfect, fun, PG flick”.

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