Interesting Things You Weren’t Aware Of Money Heist

The immensely popular series was once a failure and was almost canceled after season 1. There are a lot more things about Money Heist that are yet to unfold.

The action-packed dramatic Spanish show, money heist season 5 had every thrill ride we were hoping it would be. And we are still processing all that happened including the most unexpected death of Tokyo. However, there are few more things that you weren’t aware of.

Very few know that the Spanish show, money heist originally premiered in May 2017 and the ratings were very high (money heist ratings), but as the time passed, the ratings started declining and the grand finale was not so grand after all. With less than half of the starting number of four million viewers, the show was just about to be canceled when Netflix came to the rescue. You may be wonder how the series got its original title that is La Casa de Papel. Although this was not their first choice. The creator, Alex Pina, had chosen the title Los Desahuciados, which translates to ‘The Outcasts’ as the characters in the series are social outcasts. Later, rethink his decision and named the series la casa de papel.

Almost every series are written all the way through, from the beginning to the end, before even the pilot episode airs. However, this is not the case with Money Heist, as the writers sit down every so often and write the next few following episodes. They do so as they wanted to see that how the audience reacts to certain things and scenes. And according to the audience reaction the writer pen down the next episode. This may be seen as risky but it is an exciting way of developing a show as popular as this one.

Although it is hard to imagine anyone else playing the role of heist mastermind The Professor (money heist professor), according to TechZimo Álvaro Morte wasn’t perfect. The Spanish actor reportedly had to audition five times over two months to get the part and fans are so glad he did.

However, as per the Spanish news site, El Mundo, money heist actress name Tokyo (money heist tokyo real name Ursula Corbero) wasn’t intended to be the series’ narrator. Since its first series fans have wondered why the narration comes from Tokyo, suggesting that it should come from a money heist professor, the heist mastermind, and group leader. Well, in reality, that’s what show producers originally intended, but eventually decided that it would be too narcissistic for the professor to do it, and also wanted a female voice doing the narration given the fact they had such a male-dominated cast.

ALSO READ Money Heist Season 5 Volume 2 Trailer Teases ‘The END Is Coming’

You may love the signature Dali mask (money heist mask) but do you that the mask has a story behind it. The iconic mask is actually a tribute to the famous Spanish surrealist Salvador Dali who was known for his paintings and anti-modern capitalist views. Across all five seasons (money heist season 5) over 600 of the iconic red jumpsuits were used to dress the cast. Although, according to the series costume designer, Carloz Diez, dressing the characters was far from boring. “Designing the wardrobe of La Casa de Papel (money heist) is such a rich experience because each character is so different from the next. It has been a great challenge to dress all the characters individually and then again as a group, with that iconic red jumpsuit.”

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