Hip-Hop Legend Eric B’s Daughter Passed Away After A Horrific Car Crash

Hip-Hop Legend Eric B's daughter Erica Barrier passed away after a horrific car crash.

Hip-hop legend Eric B.’s daughter Erica Barrier was critically injured after a terrible road accident. The 28-year-old one-half daughter of the popular hip-hop duo Eric B. and Rakim was treated at Hartford hospital after her car was struck by an oncoming Connecticut vehicle on March 15, aceshowbiz.com reports.

Reports of Erica’s vehicle crash first emerged through the Instagram account “The Real Sister2Sister 2.0” that posted: “Erica Supreme Barrier, the daughter of music legend Eric Barrier (Eric B) is in extreme critical condition this morning after a horrific car crash in Connecticut.” According to the post, Eric’s longtime publicist confirmed that Erica “is suffering from severe neck and spine fractures, among her many life threatening injuries.”

Now the recent post says Eric B’s daughter Erica Barrier passed away on Monday 3-16-2020 at 6:18 pm.

The post reads “It is with profound sadness and disbelief that we announce the untimely passing of our beloved Erica Supreme Barrier on Monday 3-16-2020 at 6:18 pm EST, states Alvina Alston, Eric B’s Publicist.”

According to the police report, the truck driver was not injured. The crash is currently under investigation by the police. In the golden age of hip-hop, Eric B. made up an iconic pair along with Rakim.

Eric B had shared a video on Instagram  remembering daughter Erica,

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