The most loved duo on HBO’s hit TV historical TV fiction series Game of Thrones (GoT, 2011 – 2019), Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa) and Khaleesi (Emilia Clarke) recently had a reunion and nothing can be more fun than the fact that GoT fame Jason Momoa and Emilia Clarke finally reunite again.
For fans and netizens who have missed watching them on the screens, GoT fame Jason Momoa and Emilia Clarke finally reunite again.
Not even a global wide COVID-19 pandemic can keep Khal Drogo away from his Khaleesi and this is exactly what happened in reality when the on screen love interests and stellar hollywood stars GoT fame Jason Momoa and Emilia Clarke finally reunite again.
ALSO READ – Game of Thrones Fame Jason Momoa Spills Beans On His Family Life
Aquaman (2018) fame Jason Momoa and his Game of Thrones co-star and on screen love interest Emilia Clarke recently reunited with each other for drinks in what seems to be their first real and documented reunion after the time span of almost two years.
Taking to her social media handle on globally prominent social networking app instagram, Emilia Clarke a few days back itself dropped a picture of herself with Jason Momoa carrying her in his arms and penned a really heartwarming caption for the picture which read, “When your sun and stars rolls into town you check that he can still bench press a Khaleesi @prideofgypsies #drinkingwithdrogoimamazedwesurvived #theboysarebackintown #likeheneverleft”.
This picture then within a few hours itself went on to become virally trending on social media platforms and also took the internet by storm with the comments section getting flooded with fans loving their reunion and showering their love for the duo and midst of all these comments, even Jason commented, ‘love u forever moon of my life’, using one of his character’s nicknames for her’s, alongside seven red heart emojis.
He also shared a set of pics on his official social media handle at instagram by dropping in a post whose sweet caption read, ‘MOON OF MY LIFE. you are wonderful love u forever @emilia_clarke’.
The two are pictured inside a room that has a locked liquor cabinet, paintings and wooden chairs along with a sign on the wall that reads, ‘Coronavirus. stay alert to stay safe. Keep your distance. Save Lives’.