Donald Trump Says U.S. Won’t Close Economy Even If There’s A Second Wave Of Coronavirus Hits

On Thursday, President Donald Trump said “we are not closing our country” if the second wave of COVID-19 hits the US again.

The statement by President Donald Trump came on the same day the United States announced last week that another 2.4 million Americans have applied for unemployment benefits, raising the number of new unemployment claims to over 38 million in nine weeks.

 Referring to states like California that didn’t reopen as soon as other Trump said, “I don’t think the people are going to stand for it.” But Texas, North Carolina, and Arizona registered spiking numbers of patients as they tried to reopen.

“People say that’s a very distinct possibility, it’s standard,”  Trump said on the second wave of COVID-19 question.

In a worst-case scenario, COVID-19‘s virus curve could mimic the deadliest pandemic in American history, the Spanish Flu.

During the 1918 pandemic, more people died than the overall number of military and civilian deaths the resulted from World War I and according to the CDC, most of the U.S. deaths due to that outbreak were responsible for the second wave in the fall.

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