Ben Affleck Calls Justice League ‘The Worst Experience’ Before Praising The Flash

Ben Affleck explained that the worst experience made him 'want to retire from the superhero altogether before The Flash came along.'

Ben Affleck recently recalled playing Batman over the span of several superhero flicks, naming Justice League as by far ‘the worst experience’ of them all. The 49-year-old actor called the filming process ‘awful’ for a ‘confluence’ of reasons.

Moreover, the worst experience also made Ben Affleck want to retire from the superhero altogether before The Flash came along. “That became the moment where I said, ‘I’m not doing this anymore,’ he confessed to the Los Angeles Times while speaking about the movie, which he called the ‘nadir’ of his life.

The Tender Bar actor spoke candidly about his involvement with the 2017 DC Comics movie, and how it was the catalyst for now only taking on projects that make him ‘happy.’ “It was really Justice League that was the nadir for me. That was a bad experience because of a confluence of things: my own life, my divorce, being away too much, the competing agendas, and then director Zack Snyder’s personal tragedy and the reshooting. For unversed, Snyder’s daughter Autumn died by suicide in 2017.

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Ben Affleck went on saying, “It just was the worst experience. It was awful. It was everything that I didn’t like about this. That became the moment where I said, I’m not doing this anymore.” Despite his seemingly harsh words, Affleck said that he likely would have shared the same sentiments about ‘any’ project he took on at that time in his life. “It’s not even about, like, Justice League was so bad. Because it could have been anything,” he shared.

On top of his divorce from Jennifer Garner following over a decade of marriage, Affleck was also struggling with alcohol abuse which he then sought treatment for. Prior to the film, he had dropped out of directing and starring in The Batman. In comparison, Affleck then praised his reprisal of Batman in the 2022 movie The Flash, calling it his ‘favorite’ interpretation of the character thus far, adding that the experience was ‘really fun.’

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