Why We can’t wait for the King Shah Rukh Khan in Don 3

It’s been nearly 8 years since the last Don movie starring Sharukh Khan and Priyanka Chopra Came out and fans are going all Gaga over it.

Years ago, Shah Rukh Khan who is known as the king of Bollywood surprised us all by his spectacular performance in the remake of the movie Don. No one other than Shahrukh Khan could have done justice to Amitabh Bachchans’ iconic performance as the original Don (1978).  Fortunately, we got to see him in the remake of Don which came in the year 2006. A sequel to the film was made in the year 2011. After completing almost 8 years, fans are curious to know whether there is another sequel to this iconic film coming. The good news is that part 3 is finally on its way and if you have any doubt who is going to be the lead, let us clear it here. The movie cannot be imagined without Shahrukh Khan in it. Yes, you heard it right. Shahrukh Khan is going to be back again with don 3 very soon. 

On being asked about the film, producer and Excel Entertainment head, Ritesh Sidhwani told one of the leading newspaper, “We are definitely going to make Don 3. Earlier if you had asked me, I would have said no but now we do have an idea and we are working towards it. Shah Rukh will obviously be a part of the film.” 

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