Sherni Vidya Balan Stands Up Against The Wrong!

How far will Vidya go to stand against the wrong? shared a video on Instagram.

How far will she go to stand against the wrong?
Meet #SherniOnPrime, June 18. @PrimeVideoIN

@RealVidyaBalan #AmitMasurkar #BhushanKumar #VikramMalhotra @shikhaarif.sharma #AasthaTiku @AbundantiaEntertainment @tseriesfilms @tseriesmusic


How far will she go to stand against the wrong?
Meet #SherniOnPrime, June 18. @PrimeVideoIN

@vidya_balan #AmitMasurkar #BhushanKumar @vikramix @ShikhaaSharma03 @AasthaTiku @Abundantia_Ent @TSeries

How far will she go to stand against the wrong?
Meet #SherniOnPrime, June 18. @primevideoin

@balanvidya @amitvmasurkar #BhushanKumar @ivikramix @shikhaarif.sharma @aasthatiku @abundantiaent @tseries.official @tseriesfilms

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