Salman Khan’s former bodyguard create havoc on the streets of Moradabad

Salman Khan’s former bodyguard was arrested by Moradabad Police after he created ruckus on the streets.

Anas Qureshi popularly known as Salman Khan’s bodyguard has been arrested by the Moradabad Police as he created havoc on the streets. He was high on steroids. The Police used ropes and fishing net before he could be taken into custody by the police. 

“The local residents were shocked and frightened to see a bare-chested Qureshi roughing up pedestrians and hurling bricks at the vehicles. He later got hold of an iron rod and vandalised several cars parked on the stretch.”

After catching hold of him, he was taken to the mental Hospital in Bareilly. Qureshi was a part of Salman Khan’s security team headed by Shera two years ago.

Qureshi had arrived in his hometown just 10 days ago. He had participated in Mr Moradabad championship two days ago and was declared the first runner-up. Police were quoted saying that losing the bodybuilding title affected his mental health and led to the overdose of steroids.

An official said “After completing his power lifting sessions at the gym, he came home and went to the bed after dinner. On Thursday morning, when he woke up, he had lost his mind due to the drug’s side-effect. Within a few minutes, he ran out of his house and had shattered glasses of the cars parked there.”

This is not the first time Salman’s bodyguards are in news. Well, Salman and his security team leave no stone unturned to be in news.


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