GOAT: Directed by Venkat Prabhu the much-awaited and highly-anticipated Tamil science fiction action film, “GOAT: The Greatest Of All Time” will hit the theatres very soon. Just a few days ahead of the film’s release, it has been revealed that lead actor Vijay Thalapathy has taken home a “huge” pay cheque for the film. This revelation has sparked curiosity among fans about the salaries and fees of the cast.
GOAT- The Greatest Of All Time Budget
Reportedly, Tamil film, “GOAT” has been made on a massive budget of approx. Rs 300- Rs 400 Crores.
GOAT Cast Salary
Vijay Thalapathy’s Salary/Fee For GOAT
As per several reports, it is believed that Vijay Thalapathy charged a staggering Rs 200 Crores for the Tamil film, GOAT.
Prabhu Deva’s Salary/Fee For GOAT
Dancer and filmmaker, Prabhu Deva has reportedly charged Rs 2 Crore for GOAT.
Jayaram Salary/Fee For GOAT
Actor Jayaram reportedly charged Rs 50 Lakhs for the Tamil film, GOAT.
Prashanth Salary/Fee For GOAT
Actor Prashanth reportedly charged Rs 75 Lakh for the film.
Sneha Salary/Fee For GOAT
Actress Sneha charged Rs 50 Lakh for the Tamil film.
ALSO READ: Saripodhaa Sanivaaram OTT Platform