Sai Pallavi, the popular South Indian actress admired for her natural screen presence and incredible dancing skills, has once again captured the internet’s attention. Currently, she is busy with her sister Pooja Kannan’s wedding, and a video from the sangeet ceremony has gone viral. In the clip, Sai Pallavi takes the stage, dancing to the popular Marathi song ‘Apsara Aali’ from the movie Natarang.
Pooja Kannan recently tied the knot with her longtime partner Vineeth, after their engagement earlier this year. During that time, a family dance video on the song ‘Maamadura’ became a hit on social media. Now, the sangeet videos from the wedding are drawing similar attention, with Sai Pallavi once again in the spotlight for her graceful moves.
In one of the viral videos, Sai Pallavi and her sister are seen dancing to ‘Apsara Aali,’ composed by the famous music duo Ajay-Atul. The sight of the South Indian actress dancing to a Marathi song has pleasantly surprised many. During the dance, Sai Pallavi had a brief ‘oops’ moment when she went down on her knees for a step, but she gracefully recovered and continued her performance with charm.
Fans quickly responded to the viral video, praising Sai’s elegance and grace. Many said her dance reminded them of her role as Rosie in Shyam Singha Roy. Others expressed their admiration, with comments like “Devatha darshanam” (meaning “Vision of a Goddess”).
In addition to the dance videos, a photo of the wedding mandap is also gaining attention, showing Sai Pallavi helping her sister in a beautiful silver silk saree, reflecting the bond and love between the siblings.
On the work front, Sai Pallavi is set to make her Bollywood debut with two films. She will star alongside Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid Khan, in the film Ek Din, which has already completed its shoot. Additionally, she will portray Goddess Sita in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana, where Ranbir Kapoor will play Lord Rama.
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