Lockdown मध्ये उर्मिला कोठारे आणि जिजा सोबत घालवा तुमचा वेळ

In the recently shared video Urmila Kothare can be seen spending some quality time with her daughter Jija. In the video we can see Umrila is sitting besides Jija as she plays the game where she cuts various vegetables and fruits. She asks Jija to tell which fruit or vegetable it is to keep increase her knowledge while playing at home. She in a way gives tips about how to spend time with your little one at home without using tv or mobile phones. This is how Urmila Kothare is spending her quarantine, she is either cooking or making some snacks for Jija or posting her home workout videos. Lockdown is the best time to bond with kids as we are always with them to teach them new things.

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