Kannada actor Kiccha Sudeep is returning with an anti-hero role in Kabzaa. His last release was fantasy fiction film titled Vikrant Rona which was released in 2022. Prior to it, he made headlines as he played a kickass villain in Salman Khan starrer Dabangg 3. Recently, during a press conference, Kiccha was asked why he selects anti-hero roles too often.
To this, he replied, “Everytime I did some negative role, it was mostly emotional. Either Salman Khan sir will call or R Chandru will call or Rajamouli sir will call. So, by the end of the day, all of them want me. And it is a great feeling. For example, Dabangg is completely out-n-out villain. It’s not like Makkhi. It’s not like Eega. It’s a different role. But if somebody is wanting you there and if that’s gonna make them happy, and it’s gonna add some bonus to the film, then why not!”
He funnily added, “But it kind of pinches me also a little. First I get beaten up by a fly, then next is Mr. Salman Khan. So, by the end of the day, I keep asking, okay, what just happened? I just see the smiling face of a fly. Of course, Makkhi was a great experience.”
Kiccha Sudeep concluded, “Today, it’s not just about me. In the beginning of the career, it’s about me. All about me. My films, my friday. Now, even if Upendra sir is my hero and his film is clashing with mine, then I wanna win. That’s how it is supposed to be. But after some time, you settle and avoid clashes. Now we really don’t look into much about the space or screen time. Now I only see if I am making a difference in the film. Today, cinema is standing at a very beautiful phase where we collaborate for many reasons.”
Kabzaa starring Kiccha Sudeep, Upendra and Shriya Saran is a crime action film releasing in theatres on March 17.
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