Team India opener Rohit Sharma shared a post on his Instagram handle on Friday to celebrate Real Madrid winning the 34th La Liga title. He accompanied the post with a caption, “finally some good news in a year that is severely lacking any.” In the post, he was wearing a Real Madrid jersey.
However, his teammate Yuzvendra Chahal as usual decided to make light of the situation. Yuzi who is known for sneaking into the comment section with hilarious jibes gatecrashed Rohit’s post and poked fun by saying that the real reason behind the latter’s smile was not Real Madrid victory but “aaj ghar ka kaam nahi karna padhega no jhaadu no pochaa (no work at home how today no sweeping no dusting).”
For the unversed, in December 2019, Rohit Sharma was named La Liga’s brand ambassador. Rohit expressed his joy by saying that he was excited about the partnership. In March this year, Hitman shared pictures of himself at the Santiago Bernabeu (Real Madrid’s home) along with a Real Madrid jersey with ‘RO’ written at the back of it.
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On Thursday night, Real Madrid clinched their third La Liga title in 12 years. The reason behind the same is considered some brilliant form after the Spanish league returned on June 11 following the lockdown because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The victory surely called for a celebration and Rohit shared the same on his Instagram but there’s no doubt that Yuzi’s light-hearted comment stole the limelight.
It is not new for Yuzvendra Chahal to post funny comments, he usually does this during the Instagram Live session as well.