Raj Thackeray: Wish Balasaheb was alive to witness the bhoomi pujan

MNS chief Raj Thackeray, while remembering the founder of Shiv Sena Balasaheb Thackeray, wished that he was alive to see Ram Temple's bhoomi pujan. "This day will be etched in history as one of the most auspicious days of Independent India," Thackeray said.

Recollecting the founder of Shiv Sena Balasaheb Thackeray just before the Bhoomi Pujan of Ram Temple in Ayodhya, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena boss Raj Thackeray wanted that he was alive to observe the occasion. 

“Tomorrow is the ‘bhumi pujan’ of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. This day will be scratched in history as one of the most propitious long periods of Independent India. The Mandir which will be worked in Ayodhya will go past the atmosphere of a Mandir. lt will stand tall as a ‘landmark of triumph’ of us Hindus over our irritation and defenselessness. It’s a landmark of the unyielding soul and tolerance of the incalculable Hindus. In this way, this second is a remarkable one and its significance is unrivaled,” he said. 

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“In the midst of this occurrence, my musings are with Shri. Balasaheb Thackeray. He ought to have been there to observe this. His satisfaction would have been unrivaled,” he included.

He expressed gratitude toward Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said the endeavors made by Central government have been amazing. 

“This battle has been a tireless story and be it either the legal fight or making an arresting climate of agreement, the endeavors made by Narendra Modi government have been momentous and I wholeheartedly say thanks to them for the equivalent,” Raj Thackeray said. 

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