Shalin Bhanot rose to prominence after appearing on Salman Khan’s controversial reality show Bigg Boss 16. He is all set to be part of producer Ekta Kapoor’s anticipated show “Bekaaboo.” However, on the set, he gets injured while filming. Yes, you read it right! According to sources, Shalin recently suffered injuries to his body while doing an action sequence on the sets. The actor shot the rest of the sequence while suffering severe injuries. Shalin will play the character of Rakshas on the show, and she will be paired with actress Eisha Singh.
According to a BollywoodLife report, the Bigg Boss 16 contestant was hurt within the first few days of the actual shoot. He endured injuries on his body due to the topography of the setting. Shalin suffered injuries to his body, and it’s admirable that he kept shooting in spite of them, the source was quoted as saying. Shalin has been busy filming the show’s high-end drama and action scenes, working day and night with little time for rest.
Shalin Bhanot has appeared in several popular television shows, including Saat Phere: Saloni Ka Safar, Kulvaddhu, Grihasti on Star Plus, and others. Meanwhile, Shalin’s ex-wife, Dalljiet Kaur, tied the knot with UK-based Nikhil Patel today.
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