Days after her objection on being addressed with her husband’s name, actor-turned-politician Jaya Bachchan has once again made headline by her funny dig at the parliament. In a session held at Parliament on July 29, the speaker Mr. Harivansh addressed the Samajwadi Party MP as ‘Jaya Amitabh Bachchan’ during a conversation on the UPSC aspirants death. This resulted into the actress turning offended.
MUST READ: Jaya Bachchan Loses Her COOL At Parliament For Being Adressed Like This!
Now in another light-conversation held in the Parliament, the actress-cum-politician referred herself by her maiden name, saying, ‘Mai Jaya Amitabh Bachchan”, leaving the chairman Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar burst out with laughter. This funny exchange between the actress and the chairman had the other MPs and opposition leaders in splits.
Jaya Bachchan objected to being called 'Jaya Amitabh Bachchan' in Parliament: 'Women have no identity'.
— Barkha Trehan 🇮🇳 / बरखा त्रेहन (@barkhatrehan16) August 2, 2024
BTW , how did "Jaya Bachchan" become "Jaya Amitabh Bachchan" today?
VP Saheb rocked 😎
Fortunately, Jaya did not seem to be serious this time, and the humorous reaction has led her to making headlines for a laughter-filled reason.
The Samajwadi Party leader in her last session, expressed with disappointment that it is not mandatory to take her husband Amitabh Bachchan’s name to address her in the Parliament. “Only Jaya Bachchan would have sufficed”, the actress quoted in Hindi. Following the same, the chairman Mr. Harivansh replied that it is what was mentioned in her records.
Also Read: Jaya Bachchan Calls Indian Union Budget as DRAMA, Says “I have No Reaction”
The lady also caught headlines on her remark of calling the Indian Union Budget as a “drama”. Watch the video below to know her reaction on the newly passed budget:
#WATCH | Delhi | On INDIA bloc protest against Union Budget, Samajwadi Party MP Jaya Bachchan says, "This budget doesn't deserve a reaction. This is just a drama. Promises which will be kept in papers will not be implemented."
— ANI (@ANI) July 24, 2024
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