Raghav Juyal who debuted in Bollywood movie Kill, has snatched all the limelight once again with his effective performance in Karan Johar and Guneet Monga Kapoor’s second collaboration, ‘Gyaarah Gyaarah’. In a recent interview with Bharti TV, Raghav Juyal revealed on how his one careless step affected the sponsors of the reality show Dance+.
Raghav Juyal recalled to an old time when he was working with Dance+. He tells that on a night before one of the episode premiere of Dance+, Raghav shoved his head completely after he got involved in a Truth and Dare game with his friends. The next day as he stepped around his vanity, what happened was unexpected. He tells Bharti and Harsh how the entire crew including the producers and other team members gathered around the vanity on his look.
As the Kill actor quotes, “Pehle to wo log mujhe pehchaane nahi. Unhe laga koi prop banane wala aa gaya hai.” He tells how they questioned him with disappointment that he should have either asked him or atleast informed him because the sponsors of the reality show was a shampoo brand and bald anchor would bring a wrong message on air. Completely frustrated on the way the channel and set producers reacted, Raghav sarcastically said he was unaware that he would have to tell them(producers) if he does anything to his body(hair, look).
Raghav expressed that it was this moment when he realised how any change brought to your body, as an actor is a big thing and an actor should not randomly take such decisions based on their personality, look and hairstyle. Raghav also talked about the success of 11:11 and Kill. Talking about his future plans, he said he is going to bring another new big revelation around Septemeber post which he will go back on a trip to Uttarakhand.
Intimate Scenes Are The Toughest To Perform: Raghav Juyal
When asked whether Raghav Juyal would be performing kissing scenes and other intimate shots in his upcoming projects, Raghav said if he feels the it is mandatory to take the story forward then he is okay performing it. Further, he also said how difficult it is to perform an intimate scene. Denying the public’s perception, Raghav Juyal said it is no fun, we do not know how the opposite person is feeling while you are in the shoot, they can be having some trauma, or just not be ready for it. According to him, such scenes are better done by the help of intimate scenes co-odinator.
Must Read: Gyaarah Gyaarah TRAILER OUT: Raghav Juyal, Kritika Kamra Travel In The Past Solving Murder Mystery