Bigg Boss OTT winner and actress Divya Agarwal recently announced her engagement with her boyfriend and businessman Apurva Padgaonkar. And ever since her engagement many fans have been expecting a reaction from her ex-boyfriend Varun Sood. In a recent interview, actor Varun Sood finally addressed the engagement of his ex-girlfriend and stated that he is happy for her.
Talking with the Bombay Times, Varun opened up about Divya’s engagement and said, “I would like to congratulate the couple. I wish them all the best.” Many people insisted that the actor was sharing cryptic posts after Divya’s engagement addressing the same Varun said, “The song that I posted recently has been sung by a very good friend of mine. And even earlier, when I posted a calm emoji, it was about a few projects that I signed. It was not hinted at anyone or any event happening in anyone’s life. None of my posts or tweets are related to anyone.”
Earlier the portal also reached out to Divya after her engagement and asked her about Varun Sood’s cryptic posts, to this Divya said, “I would not like to respond to Varun’s posts but would want netizens to show some sensitivity, now that I am engaged.”
For the unversed, Divya Agarwal recently announced her engagement with businessman Apurva Padgaonkar. Taking to her Instagram Divya shared a series of pictures from her 30th birthday celebrations as she announced her engagement. Sharing pictures Divya wrote, “Will I ever stop smiling? Probably not. Life just got more sparkly and I found the right person to share this journey with. His #BaiCo A forever promise. From this important day, I will never walk alone.”
Divya Agarwal-Varun Sood
For the unversed, before getting engaged to her now fiance Apurva Padgaonkar, Divya dated Bigg Boss 11 contestant, Priyank Sharma. After breaking up with Priyank, Divya then met Benafsha Soonawalla’s ex-boyfriend Varun Sood in the show Ace Of Space. Divya and Varun’s relationship was loved by their fans, the two dated each other for almost 4 years. In March 2022, Divya announced her breakup with Varun on her social media.
ALSO READ: Months After Breakup With Varun Sood, Divya Agarwal Gets Engaged to Apurva Padgaonkar