Amidst the coronavirus lockdown every channel has started airing their old shows, but Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan has bowled them all. Within four days of its telecast the show became number one on indian televiosn but now Ramayan became world’s most-watched show on with 7.7 crore viewership. The good news was shared by DD nationals official twitter account, they wrote, “WORLD RECORD!! Rebroadcast of #Ramayana on #Doordarshan smashes viewership records worldwide, the show becomes most watched entertainment show in the world with 7.7 crore viewers on 16th of April.” Lead cast members such as Arun Govil, Sunil Lahri, and Dipika Chikhlia came into limelight once again. Sunil Lahri became a fan favourite for his amazing performance and spot-on dialogue delivery; he even reacted on his memes and says he’s enjoying them. Recently, the actor took to his social media where he thanked everyone for supporting and appreciating his performance and making Ramayan the most successful show in the world.