A contestant from Shark Tank India season 1 has accused the show’s judges of ghosting after making a deal. In a series of tweets, Akshay Shah, who is the founder CEO, iWebTechno, and was also Shark Tank India finalist in season 1, accused two Shark Tank judges of ghosting a pitcher after promising him an investment on the popular show.
In his tweet, he mentioned that he met a founder who was offered a deal from two sharks but they never responded to him after the show. Akshay wrote, “Met a founder yesterday, who had got a deal from two sharks in season 1, who never met him nor responded to his mails post Shark Tank India – ab kya bolen (what to say now)?”
When asked why he didn’t reveal the names of the sharks who ghosted or the pitcher himself, Akshay responded, “Like I said most founders fear, I am helpless. In season 1, what we faced, more than 50 percent of others faced the same or worse, the outcome being Ashneer (Ashneer Grover, who was one of the sharks in the last season) was shown the door and sharks were counselled not to be rude and brash and to be considerate, but no founder came out in the open!”
Akshay said that he faced a similar situation too. He tweeted, “We faced similar crap too but we came back stronger and not raising from Shark Tank was a blessing in disguise, jo hota hai acche ke liye hi hota hai, keep walking & working, thats what entrerpreneurs are supposed to do!!”
Twitter users were curious to know more details. A user asked, “Don’t just leave us hanging like that. Reveal the name of the company – if not anything else, it would at least give your claims some credibility.”
To which, Akshay said, “Most founders don’t have the b**** of steel… none wanna reveal their identity, am helpless!”
Akshay also replied to a Twitter user, who said, “This happens in lot of shows. Not everybody gets funding.”
He said, “Not getting funding and not getting response post agreeing to fund, dono alag hai boss (the two are different situations).”
Well, these claims are shocking and it would be really disappointing if there’s any truth to it. Meanwhile, there has been no comment from the team of Shark Tank yet.
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