As one of the longest-running shows on Indian television, MTV Splitsvilla is heading towards the finale of its 15th season, which will air on August 10 and 11, 2024. Hosted by Sunny Leone and Tanuj Virwani, this controversial dating reality series features couples, paired based on their compatibility, competing in various rounds for the ultimate prize.
MTV Splitsvilla 15 Finale: Date, Time, And OTT Platform
The grand finale of Splitsvilla 15 is scheduled to go on air on August 10 and August 11 at 7 PM on MTV channel. The show will also be streaming on JioCinema.
MTV Splitsvilla Season 15 Finalists
After a fierce and enduring competition, finalists Akriti Negi, Anicka Sharma, Arbaz Parel, Digvijay Singh Rathee, Harsh Arora, Jaswanth Bopanna, Kashish Kapoor, Nayera Ahuja, Rushali Yadav, and Siwet Tomar have secured their spots. But, only one will advance to the ultimate final round.
Lakshay Gaur-Shubhi Joshi EVICTED
Lakshay Gaur and Shubhi Joshi recently exited Splitsvilla 15. In a surprising twist, Arbaaz overruled Nayera, who initially had the power, leading to their elimination with her reluctant agreement.
MTV Splitsvilla Season 15 Winner Name LEAKED
A reel posted by @splitsvilla_news on Instagram has seemingly leaked the result, showing Digvijay Singh Rathee as the season’s champion. In the video, Digvijay is seen being interviewed by an anonymous woman who congratulates him on his victory, sparking excitement among fans.
Meanwhile, several fan-made videos are circulating, claiming that Harsh and Rushali have triumphed over Akriti and Jashwanth to win the season. However, these speculations are unconfirmed, and viewers will have to wait for the final episode to air for the official outcome.
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