Premiered in 2009, Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai made history as the longest-running show on Indian television. The original lead pair, Akshara and Naitik, portrayed by Hina Khan and Karan Mehra, achieved immense popularity thanks to the show. Initially, the two actors got along well, but later, rumors of a rift between them began circulating in the media.
Recently, former cast members of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai came together for a dinner gathering. Karan Mehra, who played the lead role in the early seasons, posted a collage of past and present photos of the group on his Instagram. Following this touching post, Mehra gave an interview to the Hindustan Times, discussing the surprise reunion.
In the interview, Karan was asked about his co-star Hina Khan, who recently revealed her stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis. Respecting the sensitivity of personal matters, Karan chose not to comment extensively but acknowledged Hina’s courageous fight against cancer.
He said, “I would like to wish her a speedy recovery, which is already visible as she is battling it bravely. So, God bless her.”
For the unversed, on June 28, 2024, Hina Khan announced on Instagram that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, following earlier media reports. She posted an image and shared that her treatment had started, expressing her determination to remain strong.
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