Udaariyan actor Ankit Gupta has created a huge fan following with his show and was recently spotted on Bigg Boss 16 as a contestant. During an interview with Pinkvilla, he revealed a shocking casting couch experience with him. Ankit revealed that he was asked for to ‘compromise’ to get work. The people in position would claim that they have launched biggies of the TV world, and tried to take advantage of Ankit.
Also, Read- Bigg Boss 16: Ankit Gupta Eliminated? Abdu Rozik To Re-Enter Soon?
Ankit told the interviewer what the other person told him, “Yaha to compromise karna padta hai (you have to compromise here). A lot of people, who wanted me to compromise, used to say ‘See Ankit aise toh kaam milta nahi hai industry mein (See Ankit, you won’t get work here in the industry by being morally correct). We have launched several people. They used to take names of biggies, stating that the celebs were launched by him.”
Ankit further revealed that he refused it straight away. “I am not into guys and even if I am, I cannot do this. It was my worst experience,” he said. After Gupta refused to compromise, the influential people asked the actor to let him touch, “‘Okay, you don’t want to do it but at least let me touch it. Upar se hi hai (from the top). Ankit was shocked and he asked himself, ‘What is happening?’
Also, Read- Bigg Boss 16 Has A New Member!! Viewers Demand Ankit Gupta Back On The Show
In terms of work, Ankit was last seen in Bigg Boss 16. We will soon see him in the music series Junooniyat with his reality TV co-star Gautam Vig. During his time at Bigg Boss, Ankit and his Uddariyaan Priyanka co-star Chahar Choudhary were among the hottest topics of conversation among netizens.
Ankit said he had high hopes for a positive audience response to his current program. . After 80 days in the house of Bigg Boss 16, it’s nice to come home and watch this exciting new series called Junooniyatt, based on his passion for music. The audience has showered me with so much love throughout my career and I hope this streak continues on this show.” Junooniyat will air after Bigg Boss 16.