In the upcoming episode of “Bigg Boss Marathi 5,” hosted by Riteish Deshmukh, viewers can expect high drama as contestants Nikki Tamboli and Aarya Jadhao clash intensely. A new promo reveals that their confrontation reaches a boiling point during a captaincy task, resulting in a physical scuffle that breaks the show’s rules. The conflict flares up when Aarya accuses Nikki of pushing her.
The newest promo for “Bigg Boss Marathi 5” teases a dramatic showdown between Nikki Tamboli and Aarya Jadhao during the captaincy task. The challenge, which requires contestants to navigate a simulated train to get to the motorman’s cabin, sees Nikki fiercely blocking Aarya. Tensions boil over when Aarya shoves Nikki, prompting Nikki to strike back, leading to a physical confrontation.
In their heated altercation, Nikki leaves noticeable scratch marks on Aarya’s face. The incident has ignited considerable controversy, leaving fans speculating about whether Nikki will face elimination or face further scrutiny from Riteish Deshmukh in the upcoming weekend episode.
Riteish Deshmukh Reprimands Nikki Tamboli
Nikki Tamboli has faced criticism from both the public and “Bigg Boss Marathi 5” host Riteish Deshmukh for her disrespectful behavior on the show. In the recent weekend episode, Riteish did not hold back, giving Nikki a stern reprimand and insisting on a public apology. Overwhelmed with emotion, Nikki apologized to the people of Maharashtra and assured Riteish that she would be more conscious of her behavior in the house from now on.
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