The sudden demise of actor Sushant Singh Rajput has been an eye-opener for the entertainment industry. The Kai Po Che actor died of suicide on June 14, 2020, leading to a heated debate on social media about the nepotism prevailing in the Bollywood industry. Netizens bashed Bollywood biggies like Karan Johar, Alia Bhatt, and Salman Khan for promoting nepotism. Even a case got filed against them for alleging them to be the culprit of Sushant’s tragic death.
Meanwhile, actor Sooraj Pancholi has been dragged into the debate. For the unversed, the Hero actor was charged for abetting Jiah Khan’s suicide. There were rumours floating around the late actress was pregnant with Sooraj’s baby while she took the drastic step to end her life. A couple of days back, Jiah’s mother Rabia also accused Salman Khan of influencing cops. However, now the netizens have dragged Sooraj into some other matter.
A few social media users now have linked Sooraj Pancholi to Sushant Singh Rajput’s late manager Disha Salian. They are claiming that Disha was allegedly dating Sooraj, and was pregnant with his baby.
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For those of you who don’t know, Disha Salian jumped from the 14th-floor building in Malad. The police are investigating whether it was suicide or not.
The reports further state that Sushant was helping Disha through her dark days. Hence, they are claiming that Sooraj might also be involved in Sushant’s death.
In a now-deleted tweet, a video was making rounds on the social media platforms that reported all of this. The caption alongside the video read, “SHOCKING: Sushant Singh Rajput wanted to save ex-manager Disha Salian who was pregnant with #SoorajPancholi’s baby?”
Netizens were sharing the video and #SoorajPancholi has been trending over Twitter.
Sooraj Pancholi hasn’t reacted to the news yet.